Friday, May 24, 2013

Interview Project

                                                                                    May 2013
Dear Parents,

         It’s interview time again in third grade and the children are beginning to learn about communities and how they run. Part of our study will involve the awareness of the many jobs that help our town, as well as the surrounding communities, to prosper.

         In class we have listed several professions.  The boys and girls are eager to begin their interviews so we’re sending this list to help them get started.

         1.  Decide who you want to interview.
         2.  Find out if that person is willing to meet with you for about a half hour.  Go with a parent to do the interview.
         3.  Make a list of about ten questions to ask this person about their job, be sure one of the questions asks how their job helps the community.
         4.  Have your questions looked at by Mrs. Desmond or Mrs. Ohrn before your interview.
         5.  Meet with your person, interview him or her, be sure to jot down their answers and take some pictures if you can.

         The final project should have a title page, a page listing the questions and answers and a written report about the person and his job, based on the questions and answers given at the interview.
         Pictures add a lot to the final report.  The report should be presented in a folder that will keep it neat and clean.  CVS sells the ones with a clear plastic cover and a binding to hold it all together.
         The reports should be turned in no later than Monday, June 17th.  We will have a Thank You Breakfast for our interviewees on Wednesday, June 19th, at Kittredge, from 9:00 – 10:00 AM.  We will make invitations for them in school and present them to the person at the interview,

Call if you still have questions.  Have fun with this project!  It has always been the highlight of our Social Studies unit.

Thank you,
Mrs, Desmond and Mrs. Ohrn