Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Welcome back!  It is so great to see the children again and we are off and running with a strong academic focus.  As you know, we are working on biographies of people from Massachusetts.  The children all seem to have gotten a book and many have started taking notes on their note-taking sheets (graphic organizers).  I have added two links to the top of the blog page:  one is a link with information about famous people from Massachusetts and one is the rubric that we will be eventually be using to score their projects.
In math we are finishing up measurement and will be starting fractions soon.  Both of these topics are easy to include in your conversations at home when cooking or grocery shopping.  Any real world experiences certainly aid in your child's understanding of mathematical concepts.
Look for a note in your child's backpack this week about a trip to Turtle Lane Maple Farm!  We will keep you posted about this wonderful local opportunity.