Monday, November 26, 2012

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I am thankful for the  Kittredge community and for the opportunity to work with your children.

Please note that this week the children have tests to study for.  There is a Pilgrim test on Thursday (the study guide went home a week ago) and a Moon Quiz on Friday (there is a study guide in your child's backpack today).  We also have our Book Talk due on December 17th, and this project takes several days of preparing once the book is finished.  We are shifting into a phase where the children will have more long term assignments and it is important that they budget their time accordingly.  As I told the children today, just because they don't have a "paper" to hand in tomorrow doesn't mean that they don't have homework. Please encourage the children to study from their study guides and to look carefully at the Book Talk requirements.  They should be doing 30+ minutes of homework each night in addition to their reading.  If you are looking for more homework for your child each night, please have your child visit the "Favorite Links" section of this blog and choose an academic activity.
Thank you!